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University of Guelph

Join us May 4 at the University of Guelph for our 2023 AGM.

The day will start with light refreshments at 9:30 a.m., followed by a presentation by staff at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) and a tour of OVC and its teaching hospital.

*newsworthy notes for journalists: There is a shortage of large animal veterinarians in Ontario. How is OVC addressing this shortage? Recently, a new partnership between OVC and Lakehead University was announced. How will this benefit the animal agriculture sector in Ontario?

Our AGM will be held over lunch.

In the afternoon, we will tour the lab of the Canada GOOSE project: Growth Options for Outer Space Environments, where researchers and students are developing a self-contained plant-growth chamber that uses advanced environmental control technology to grow vegetables, fruits and mushrooms without soil, sunlight or even fresh water.

*newsworthy notes for journalists: Space exploration is a current hot topic following the recent announcement that a Canadian astronaut will join the Artemis II project.

The formal agenda will wrap up by 3:30, but an optional social at the Brass Taps will follow for anyone who wants to stay and network.

This event, including lunch, is FREE for ECFWA members. Non-members will be invoiced $75.

FREE for members. Non-members will be invoiced $75.