ECFWA webinar: Science communication for a skeptical world

Via Zoom

Unbelievable: science communication for a skeptical world

Join ECFW for a second professional development session exploring the human mind and evolutions in science communication.

Why do people fiercely defend positions that go against decades of science-backed evidence?

It’s because of what we believe - and belief need not be based on provable facts.

Misguided belief threatens how we feed ourselves, preserve our health, power our civilization and protect the Earth itself.

Belief powered by a flood of misinformation has created the infodemic - identified as one of the top 10 threats to public health world wide during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is one of the greatest challenges we face as science writers and communicators.

Michael Robin is a journalist and editor with a special interest in life and environmental sciences as well as the social science aspects of science communications. Examples include agricultural biotechnology, toxicology, automation, food and water security, and public response to innovations in genetic engineering and energy production. Over more than 30 years, Michael has worked in weekly newspapers (including owning one) and on the other side of the desk in post-secondary and funding agency research communications. He currently serves as farm management editor for The Western Producer in Saskatoon.