Congratulations to ECFWA winners at the CFWF awards

The Canadian Farm Writersโ€™ Federation (CFWF) announced the winners of its annual writing and photography awards on Oct. 5 during a special awards ceremony and banquet at the CFWF annual conference in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

CFWF presented gold, silver and bronze awards in 12 writing categories as well as awards for Communicator of the Year, Feature of the Year, Story of the Year and Farm Writer of the Year. It also awarded gold, silver and bronze in three photography categories and an award for Photographer of the Year.

ECFWA winners include:

Communication โ€“ Long
Henry Heald Award, Sponsored by Glacier Farm Media

Lilan Schaer, Matt McIntosh and Kelly Daynard
The Real Dirt on Farming
Printed in the National Post

Opinion Writing

Frank Jacob Awards, Sponsored by Chicken Farmers of Canada

Matt McIntosh
Recognizing our Mixed Environmental Record
Published by Farmtario

Mary Feldskov, Brendan Byrne, and Victoria Berry
Global hunger, farming, and climate change
Published by Hill-Times

Technical Feature

Peter Lewington Awards, Sponsored by Grain Farmers of Ontario

Melanie Epp
Living Proof: Use of biostimulants continues to grow, but remains experimental
Published by GrainsWest

Current Affairs Feature

Dick Beamish Awards,ย Sponsored by Grain Farmers of Ontario

Melanie Epp
Get on board: Ag groups need wider variety of leaders
Published by GrainsWest

Mary Feldskov
Rural Childcare Challenges
Published by Ontario Grain Farmer

Feature of the Year Award, Sponsored by Grain Farmers of Ontario

Melanie Epp

Get on board: Ag groups need wider variety of leaders
Published by GrainsWest

Current Affairs Reporting, Q.H. Martinson Awards, Sponsored by Bayer

Matt McIntosh
Lake Erie is full of algae again. Southwestern Ontarioโ€™s exploding greenhouse sector wonโ€™t help
Published by The Narwhal

Story of the Year Award, Sponsored by Canadian Canola Growers Association

Melanie Epp
Get on board: Ag groups need wider variety of leaders
Published by GrainsWest

Farm Writer of the Year Award, Sponsored by AdFarm
Karen Davidson

People Photography, Don Baron Awards, Sponsored by CFWF

Sharon Grose
Filling Planter for Another Round
Published by Ontario Farmer

Production Photography, John Philips Awards, Sponsored by CFWF

Lauren Miller
Bond of Bison: Mother and Calf
Published in The Real Dirt on Farming, 6th Edition

Landscape Photography, Sponsored by CFWF

Diana Martin
Published in the Soybean Guide

Sharon Grose
Canadian Winter
Published in Ontario Farmer

Photographer of the Year Award, Sponsored by CFWF

Diana Martin
Published in the Soybean Guide